Michigan Claims Adjuster Support

claims adjuster

Day in and day out, you work tirelessly to meet the needs of policyholders navigating disaster. Away Home partners with claims adjustors on the local level to navigate available housing and make your job as easy as possible. We specialize in finding win-win solutions for insurance companies and policyholders, helping your clients get back on their feet as soon as possible while facilitating positive experiences for both you and your policyholders.

The Benefits of Michigan Claims Adjuster Support

Any questions about policies, concerns, and more will go through our team, leaving you to focus on your job without any interruptions. At Away Home, we understand the nuances of insurance carriers, and will help explain the coverage and benefits to your policyholder following an unforeseen disaster.

Because our company boasts decades of combined experience between its representatives, we’ve forged extremely valuable relationships with insurance agents, and have helped streamline the process of finding emergency housing for policyholders, which includes:

Our company and its staff boast a depth of knowledge related to homeowners claims because of the time spent working as previously licensed adjusters, general contractors, and specialized mitigation vendors. It’s important to note that we are not licensed public adjusters or independent adjusters – and we do not claim to be. However, our experience in these fields lends extraordinary insight into helping advocate for our clients, giving them peace of mind while they process their loss and build for their future.

    Why Choose Away Home?

  • Advocates for you and your clients' best interests

  • Former mitigation specialists, licensed builders, and adjusters who know the nuances of insurance

  • Local and dedicated agents

  • Quick and timely provision

  • And more

Trust the experts at Away Home for dependable Michigan claims adjuster support. To learn more about how we can help, contact us today.